Thursday, January 3, 2013

Start of the New Year - Start of the 2013 Tomato Crop

Tomato seeds should be planted in this area in a hotbed between Christmas and New Years. Well, it was cold between Christmas and New Years. And I was kinda sick with a head cold. Ok, well maybe not icicle kind of cold, but it WAS cold. Like, 40's for the high. It has also been overcast and somewhat misty most of the time. So-I just didn't get the seeds in the hotbed out in the garden.

So today I planted my Homestead seeds in a plastic tray. I followed Tomato Bob's instructions and planted them in a moist soil/peatmoss mixture about 1.5 inches deep and covered them with plastic. The seeds should sprout in 10-14 days according to Bob. I have them on the south side of the front porch, so they should be fairly protected from cold.

My main goal for 2012 was to go 'seed to seed' with heirloom Homestead tomatoes. Now the final step of that goal is to see if the seeds I harvested from last year will germinate and grow.

Other 2012 accomplishments:

Made my first cold process and hot process (crockpot) soap
Dehydrated tomatoes, tomato peels
Made and froze tomato extract to add to soap
Found some sources for essential oils
Sold my first soaps....around 20 bars
Licensed my name (The Tomato Shed) and register for a TIN
Expanded the Tomato Shed into re-purposing and recycling furniture and other vintage and salvage 'treasures'
Had first official booth in a show as The Tomato Shed and plan to have booth in future shows at least 4 times per year
Found Mr. junk benefactor
Cleaned out and organized the shed as the home base for the Tomato Shed business
Met Ruby Red........and named her the Tomato Shed mascot

You know, THAT'S NOT BAD!!!

 Now I need to come up with my main goal for 2013. I'll be thinking on that.

First mini-goal: germinate lil seeds!!

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year!

Happy 2013! Here's wishing all a year full of love, fun and tomatoes! Time to plant tomato seeds and get started on the 2013 crop. Here we go....